Media Releases

National Carillion Lit in Orange

Media Contact

Serina Bird
0478 417 308

20 November 2022

Parliament House will be lit orange to say NO to violence against women

Australian Parliament House will be lit orange on 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women), along with Old Parliament House and the National Carillon in the Parliamentary Triangle. The ACT Government will illuminate light rail stops on 25 November, and the Malcolm Fraser Bridge and the Canberra Times fountain for the entire 16 days.

The illuminations were organized by The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast (ZCCB) during the UN Women’s Orange the World campaign, which forms part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence commencing on 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and culminating on 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Landmarks around the world are lit orange during the Orange the World campaign. This year marks the first time that Australian Parliament House has been lit orange.

Orange is the colour of UN SDG 5, which aims to achieve gender equality.

“39 women and girls have died so far in Australia this year due to domestic and family violence,” said ZCCB President Serina Bird. “COVID lockdowns have been difficult for many, and we know from supporting women as they leave refuges that there is a growing number of women requiring help and support in our community.”

The ZCCB provides home starter packs to women rebuilding after family and domestic violence. Each pack contains plates, bowls, knives and forks, a kettle, a microwave or vacuum cleaner, toaster, saucepans, frypans, mugs, glasses, kitchen utensils, linen and towels. The project is supported by the Snow Foundation.

On 10 December the campaign will conclude with a moving ceremony commencing at 7am at Nara Park, at which participants will ring the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell once for each woman killed in Australia in 2022. The bell will also be rung to honour men, children, Indigenous Australians and New Zealanders who have died.

ZCCB is organizing a walk to view the illuminations beginning at Parliament House at 7.30pm on Friday, 25 November, concluding at the National Carillon.

Zonta is an international service club dedicated to empowering women through service and advocacy.  The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast meets once a month.

For further inquiries about the Zonta Says No campaign and Zonta’s activities please contact Serina Bird on 0478 417 308 or on

Women in front of Zonta Says NO to Violence Dispaly

4 March 2022


Zonta’s 18-19 March Pre-loved Fashion Sale bigger and better than ever

The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast’s (ZCCB) annual Pre-loved Fashion Sale will be held on 18 to 19 March.  The event, a mecca for fashionistas, specializes in vintage and high-end fashion labels at an affordable price – perfect for Canberra fashionistas wanting to get out and about after lockdown.

This year, the sale will be held at the Ann Harding Conference Centre at the University of Canberra. ‘The new, larger and more modern venue enables us to welcome more people in a COVID-safe way,’ said Zonta Club of Canberra President Christine Magner.

‘Sadly, we had to postpone our sale last year due to COVID,’ said Christine.  ‘But it’s good news because we are bursting at the seams with quality fashion labels and accessories thanks to the generous donations of the women of Canberra.  We have never had so much stock.’

In addition to the in-person event, ZCCB has set up on online store on The Joyful Fashionista. ‘Even if you can’t make it in person, you can still support Zonta and get your fashion fix,’ said Christine.

Sustainability is core to the Pre-loved Fashion Sale.  All items are quality second hand donated items that might otherwise have gone to landfill. 

Money raised supports projects that empower women, including providing home starter kits to assist family and domestic violence survivors, birthing kits for women giving birth in developing countries, cushions for women recovering from breast cancer, and scholarships – especially in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. 

The Zonta Pre-loved Fashion Sale opens on Friday, 18 March, with a pre-sale event that includes champagne and finger food ($25). Entry on Saturday 19 March is free, with doors open from 9am to 3pm. 

Zonta is an international service club that empowers women through service and advocacy.  The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast meets once a month.

For further inquiries, please email us ( or phone Vice President Serina Bird on 0478 417 308.


Women in front of Zonta Says NO to Violence Dispaly

23 November 2020

Canberra turns orange to say no to violence against women

The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast is staging several orange-themed events across Canberra in November and December to raise awareness of family and domestic violence.

“In Australia, 45 women and girls have died so far over the past year due to intimate partner violence,” said Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast President Christine Magner.  “And many are suffering due to the lack of freedom of movement during COVID.”

The Zonta Says No campaign is part of the International 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign.  It starts on November 25th, the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and in Canberra culminates with the ringing of the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell in Canberra’s Nara Park on International Human Rights Day (10 December).

In recognition of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the ACT Government is lighting the Malcolm Fraser Bridge orange. In addition, all light rail stops will be lit in orange.  “Orange is not just about Zonta – it is the colour of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5, which sets out a commitment to achieve gender equality”, said Ms Magner.

The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast is also installing orange themed floral exhibits in the Civic and Dickson libraries; each flower will represent the life of the women who have died this year as a result of domestic violence.  The first name of each victim, and her age, will also be displayed, except where respecting Indigenous customs.

The campaign will conclude on 10 December with a morning ceremony commencing at 6.30am at Nara Park, at which participants will strike the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell once for each woman killed in Australia in the last twelve months.

Zonta is an international service club dedicated to empowering women through service and advocacy.  The Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast meets once a month.

For further inquiries about the Zonta Says No campaign and Zonta’s activities please contact Serina Bird on 0478 417 308.